Tips For Secure Social Media Accounts

Security and privacy issues are considered to be the biggest ' problem ' for Facebook. Various efforts are made by the company to educate users how important it is to keep their account privacy.
Tips For Secure Social Media Accounts
To proactively improve awareness of social media security, the technologically-ridden technology giant Mark Zuckerberg sums up some tips that can be done to protect users ' privacy on Facebook.

Tips For Secure Social Media Accounts

Password Protect

Facebook encourages users not to use the same password for social media services to email. Avoid user names or words that are common to passwords. You can use a six-character combination of numbers, letters, punctuation, symbols, and capital letters to make it harder to guess.

Never Share Log In Access

Criminals on the internet may be creating fake websites that resemble Facebook and ask you to log in using your email or password. You are encouraged to always check the URL of the site before entering your login information. If in doubt, type the name of the social media you want to access in the browser machine.

Be Sure to Log Out of Your Media Social Aaccount When Accessing Public

When using a computer or public WiFi, make sure you log out of your social media account. If you have access to Facebook, you can open the ' Security Settings ' menu-' where you're logged in '-select ' exit ' to see activity logging in from unknown devices.

Don't Accept Friend Requests From

In addition to creating fake sites, scammers also often create fake social media accounts to make friend requests to their goals on social media. When you receive a friend request for a performer, you will be flooded with malicious uploads or spam messages.

Be Careful With Malicious Software

Make sure you learn the signs if the computer or device used to access social media is infected with viruses. Or you should know how to remove malicious software. Make sure you're using the latest version of the browser app or engine or remove browser add-ons When you access social media.

Do Not Click Suspicious URLS

Avoid the clicks from URLS shared by friends or people you know on social media or email. Facebook users don't seldom share links in their uploads. Confirming Facebook never asks for a user's password via email.